Website Best Practices Your Business Should Embrace

Feb 20, 2024

Any internet user knows that websites are not equal; some are easy to search, some are just okay, and some leave users wanting to throw their computers through the window and teleport back to the 80s before all this technology took hold. But a website is your company’s chance to make a first impression, a chance that you only get once. To ensure your website turns potential customers into actual ones, adopt the following practices:

Make it Easy to Get in Touch

If a user has to dig to find your contact information, they won’t – they’ll just move on. This is why making your contact info easy to find and easy to navigate is among the most important features of your website. Getting in touch with you should be practically effortless.

Make Your Site Easy to Navigate

Customers are thirsty for convenience, particularly in this instant gratification world we live in. A site that’s hard to navigate, slow to load, filled with confusing or contradictory language, full of blinding colors, and not aesthetically appealing is almost worse than no website at all. To keep customers on your page, you must keep them happy and that means giving some TLC to your URL. A few things to focus on are an easy-to-follow layout, fast speeds, digestible diction, drop-down menus, and inviting, warm colors. 

Show that You’re Trustworthy

From get-rich-quick schemes to the car warranty phone calls we all get monthly, there are scams around every corner and any savvy customer knows this, growing conservative in the trust they extend as a result. To counter our swindle-heavy society, it’s up to you to prove that you’re worthy of someone’s business. A couple of ways to do this include featuring testimonials from previous customers or owning up to a mistake you’ve made. The latter is relatable; no company is perfect, and admitting that you’re human goes a long way with customers (who, it turns out, are human, too).  

Show Why You Go Above the Competition 

Unless you’re a cat neurologist or offer a product or service as extraordinarily unique, you’re probably not the only game in town; most companies are a dime a dozen. Due to this, it’s up to you to find a way to set yourself apart from your competitors. This could involve telling a spectacular story of origin, showing how you are dedicated to customer satisfaction, or demonstrating why your product is superior (i.e., it comes with a money-back-guarantee, it’s more affordable than similar products, it’s been on the market for 40 years). 

Discuss Cost

Showcasing the cost of your goods on your website can feel a bit taboo; you want your customers to fall in love with you before you reveal any of the possible deal breakers. However, if you aren’t upfront about cost, it can come across as a red flag. Customers may assume that your prices are so outlandish that they’re worthy of deception, which drives them away from your site and into the arms of your more transparent rivals. Bottom line: People care about their money, so it’s up to you to tell them how much they can expect to spend.

Making an effective website isn’t difficult, but it does take some finesse and requires you to think like a customer, not like a company. If you need some guidance on websites or anything else, we’re here to assist. Give us a shout and we’ll be happy to help.